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American Corrections Specialists offers a House Arrest electronic monitoring tool available to the Corrections industry that can be used as an alternative to expensive, traditional and embarrassing House Arrest or Home Incarceration methods. With biometric "voice verification", it is not necessary for the enrollee to install expensive electronic monitoring devices on themselves or at their residence. Unlike expensive traditional home incarceration programs, this solution can be implemented for a fraction of the cost.

Available to courts and community supervision agencies, and directly to offenders and defendants who a court orders to arrange private electronic monitoring for home detention.


No matter what type of agency you represent; municipal, state, or federal court system, incarceration facility, adult or juvenile probation or parole, we can offer an economical, easy and dignified service for your community-based monitoring needs no matter where the offender lives.

This solution a highly engineered interactive voice response system coupled with voice biometrics authentication technology. With just a regular telephone or cellular phone, offenders can be monitored in their home or elsewhere. The system is programmed to automatically keep track of offenders with random, scheduled, inbound or outbound calls from any authorized telephone such as home, work, rehab, or school.


Looking for an affordable offender paid sanction program that is easy to implement and easy for the offender to remain compliant? Through the use of voice biometrics, we have been providing the most efficient and economical house arrest or curfew management program for over a decade. We offer the courts another tool that can be used to help with the behavior process of the offender.

Here are some of the benefits to ShadowTrack's turnkey solution:

  • Affordable to the offender
  • No geographical boundaries (we can monitor no matter where they live)
  • Easy to implement (the offender calls a toll-free number, and we do the rest)
  • Compliance reports available via Web, fax, mail, or e-mail upon request or instantly.

Cellular Tracking

An inexpensive, wireless option in monitoring client compliance. There are no requirements for expensive smart phones. Any cell phone from a major carrier is compatible with this technologically advanced biometric system.

Electronic Monitoring Solutions for Corrections Professionals
Contact us today: Phone 214-432-3501, Fax 877-556-2335, Email:

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